Avukat Kazım Kolcuoğlu anısına İstanbul Barosu tarafından düzenlenen ‘İnsan Hakları Odağında Hukuk Güvenliği’ konulu makale yarışmasında Fakültemiz mezunları Stajyer Avukat Ezgi Hazal Özhan, Stajyer Avukat Günce Yurdakul ortak çalışmalarıyla birincilik …
Hukuk Fakültesi akademisyenlerimizden Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Kemal Atasoy’un “Çocuk Mallarının ve Çocuğun Ekonomik Haklarının Korunması Bakımından Türk Hukukunun Günümüz Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojilerine Uyumluluğu” başlıklı projesi TÜBİTAK 3005 – Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimlerde Yenilikçi …
We are delighted to announce that the Kadir Has University Faculty of Law Journal Vol. XI N. 1 has been published! You can access the published articles in print, from …
Dr. Remzi Orkun Güner, after his graduation from the Faculty of Law, Istanbul Bilgi University, received his LL.M degree in Human Rights Law from the same university. He completed his …
Ozan Erözden holds a PhD in public law from the University of Istanbul (1996). Before joining Kadir Has University Faculty of Law he held permanent lecturer positions at Istanbul University …
Kadir Has University ranked 1st in the “Sustainable Cities and Communities” category, 2nd in the “Partnership for the Goals,” “Decent Work and Economic Growth,” and “Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure” categories, and 3rd in the “Gender …
It is our distinct pleasure to announce that the PhD dissertation entitled “The Will of the Worker in the Employment Relationship” written by Asst. Prof. Hande Heper from the Faculty …
We’re pleased to announce that the project “Workplace Representation: A Model Proposal for Turkey on the Legislation by Analysis of the Social Partners’ Views,” coordinated by Asst. Prof. Hande Heper from …
The December 2022 issue of Kadir Has University Law Faculty Journal, which is being scanned in ULAKBİM TRDizin, has been published! Published studies can be accessed in print or electronically …
We’re pleased to announce that 4 of the nine research projects submitted by our university have been funded by TÜBİTAK ARDEB 1001 program in the 2nd term of 2022. Prof. …
Within the scope of the Institutional Accreditation Program (IAP) of 2022 carried out by the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC), a preliminary online visit was made on October 25, …
Esra Ünal graduated with a Ph.D. in International Law from the University of Strasbourg in March 2022. She holds an M.A. from the University of Athens, and an LL.B. (with high honors) and a B.A. …