We are delighted to announce that the Kadir Has University Faculty of Law Journal Vol. XII N. 2 has been published!

24 February 2025

Dear Kadir Has University Members,

We are delighted to announce that the Kadir Has University Faculty of Law Journal Vol. XII N. 2 has been published! You can access the published articles in print or electronically through the Jurix database. For detailed information about our journal, which is being scanned in ULAKBİM TRDizin, you are welcome to visit hfd.khas.edu.tr.

Published articles in our latest issue are as follows: 


According to the 1985 TRNC Constitution, The Powers of the President and the Anatomy of the Political Regime

Asst. Prof. Özge ÇELEBİ

Republican Period Public Works Contracts in Roman Law

Res. Asst. Dr. Ayşe Gül EKER

Ethical Limits of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Studies

Assoc. Prof. Lale Burcu ÖNÜT

Global Perspectives and Policy Recommendations on Wealth Taxation

Assoc. Prof. A. Selçuk ÖZGENÇ

On the Origin of the Proverb “Justice is the Foundation of State”

Asst. Prof. Erkut Ziya SİVRİKAYA


Central Bank Digital Currencies, A Study on Definition and Legal Nature

Asst. Prof. Zehra BADAK 

The Supreme Court’s Evaluation Regarding the Actor Labor Contract

Assoc. Prof. Ece BAŞ SÜZEL

Application of Art. 11/5 of the Insurance Activities Act (No. 5684) – Which Regulates that Foreign Words Cannot be Included in Insurance Contracts – to Institute Clauses in the Context of Marine Insurance

Asst. Prof. Ayşegül BUĞRA ŞAR

Termination of the Construction Contract in Return for Land Share within the Scope of Urban Transformation Before the Delivery Date on the Grounds that the Contractor is Unable to Complete the Work within Due Date

Assoc. Prof. Barış DEMİRSATAN

Sened-i Bahrî and the Historical Origins of the Modern Ship Registry in the Ottoman Empire

Asst. Prof. Aslıhan ERBAŞ AÇIKEL

Interim Measures in Competition Law and Policy

Asst. Prof. Muzaffer EROĞLU

A Compact Overview of the Concept of “Invalid Insurance” (TCC Art. 1404)

Asst. Prof. İsmail Özgün KARAAHMETOĞLU

Looking for Roman Law in Common Law: An Exploration of Common Law’s Respond to Roman Law in the Law of Non-Contractual/Imperfect Obligations

Asst. Prof. B. Yiğit SAYIN 

The Law Applicable to the Existence and Material Validity of the Contractual Relationship Within the Article 32 of Turkish Code on Private International and Procedural Law

Asst. Prof. Begüm SÜZEN

Invalidity of Board Resolutions Regarding the Election of Board Members in Case of a Vacancy

Asst. Prof. Emek TORAMAN ÇOLGAR – Res. Asst. Dr. Abdurrahman KAYIKLIK

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