The Department of Philosophy and Sociology of Law introduces students to a course list consisting of compulsory courses titled “Philosophy of Law,” “Sociology of Law,” and “Legal Thought and Methodology,” and selective courses titled “Anthropology and Law,” “Introduction to Philosophy and Philosophy of Science,” “Law, Literature and Art,” and “Gender and Law.” Compulsory courses of the department aim to train lawyers with the ability of conceptual and analytical thinking and the ability to analyze law within its empirical existence and the relation between social facts and legal processes. In addition, the objective is to provide students with the knowledge of thinking like a lawyer and equip students with the principles of logic and methodology required to bring solutions to legal issues by applying abstract norms of positive law.
Elective courses are designed to provide students with the necessary interdisciplinary perspective in legal education and, on the other hand, the scientific view required in any academic formation. And within this framework, by focusing on the relation between law and philosophy, law and social sciences as anthropology and sociology, law and art and literature, the department introduces students to a formation that would improve and enrich their ability to analyze law both conceptually and empirically from a comprehensive perspective provided by these disciplines. All courses are held based on critical thinking and discussion in this context.
- LW 137 Hukuki Düşünce ve Metodoloji
- LW 141 Anthropology and Law
- LW 144 Law, Literature and Art
- LW 150 Felsefeye Giriş ve Bilim Felsefesi
- LW 341 Philosophy of Law
- LW 352 Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Hukuk
- LW 360 Sociology of Law
- KH 535 Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Hukuk
- KH 536 Çağdaş Hak Kuramları