New Academics at KHAS Law

6 Mayıs 2020

Former ECHR judge, Prof. Dr. Işıl Ergüvenç studies International Law/Public International Law, Human Rights Law and European Union Law. Continuing her studies under the umbrella of KHAS, Prof. Dr. Ergüvenç is the first woman judge ever elected on behalf of Turkey at ECHR.

Called ‘The teacher of teachers’, Prof. Dr. Ergun Özsunay is a doyen lecturing in the fields of Civil Law, International Arbitration Law, American Law, Comparative Health and Bioethics Law, and Comparative Competition Law. Being mentioned most often with his studies in many fields, Prof. Dr. Özsunay will train the future lawyers at KHAS.

Another valuable academic who joined our Faculty of Law is Prof. Dr. Başak Baysal, who is also the winner of BAGEP 2015 Award. Studying Civil Law, Obligations Law, Liability Law, Consumer Law and Comparative Law, Prof. Dr. Baysal continues her studies and training new lawyers at KHAS.

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